“Experience the Power of your Authentic Self in 6 Creative Stages that Leaves You Empowered, Inspired and Energised to Shape the Life You Want”

Artwise: Foundations of Self-Discovery

It’s a 6 week online experiential Creative Arts Therapy course that helps you gain self-awareness
and experience healing at the physiological, psychological, emotional and spiritual dimensions of Being 

This foundation course is for anyone who is seeking to make personal shifts towards
improved well-being or wishes to use the creative arts  as part of professional work in
Education, Corporate sectors, NGO’s and Community Health industries.

This foundation course is for anyone who is seeking to make personal shifts towards improved well-being or wishes to use the creative arts as part of professional work in Education, Corporate sectors, NGO’s and Community Health industries.

No Previous Art Experience is Essential

The 5 stages in the ArtWise Success Path

engages you in using creative tools and processes in a supportive group environment to gather personal insights.
As you progress through this course, you will discover your authentic needs and hidden strengths. You will make
shifts in your perceptions, and be guided by a sense of Inner Knowing to create a balanced and  inspired life for
yourself. As you progress through this course, your experiential learning will  engage you in understanding how you
can plan and offer creative learning opportunities for others to grow and be confident in how they are responding
to study and life challenges. 

engages you in using creative tools and processes in a supportive group environment to gather personal insights. As you progress through this course, you will discover your authentic needs and hidden strengths. You will make shifts in your perceptions, and be guided by a sense of Inner Knowing to create a balanced and  inspired life for yourself. As you progress through this course, your experiential learning will  engage you in understanding how you can plan and offer creative learning opportunities for others to grow and be confident in how they are responding to study and life challenges. You will.

Activate your imagination and creativity

Find your voice and build relationships that are meaningful

Become more confident and clear about your choices

Engage self-expression in a safe space

Engage in mindful activities to find relaxation and calm

Develop your intuition and learn to trust it

Celebrate your processes and stages of personal growth

The Artwise: Foundations
of Self-Discovery course

offer opportunities for you to experience healing benefits so you know:

How to utilize these proven creative practices to assist in discovering unseen potential
How to read the symbolic messages contained within art and how it relates to what is going on in the NOW
How to make little shifts that open up to aligned and inspired visions and change mindsets that are negative and restrictive
How to invite balance and creative flow into your life and stop wasting your mental energy in repeating patterns that cause stress, anxiety and a feeling of being stuck
How to focus your mind on being mindful and present so you can receive insights from a place of ‘Knowing’
How to recognise the “process” that is unfolding to gather insights on the truth behind thoughts, emotions and actions
How to place confidence in your inner voice by expressing yourself and not fearing what others might think of you or worry how changes might impact your life
How to be alert to “archetypal and conditioned” patterns and use creative and mindful practices to feel free and open to life
What to do before you make any changes by utilizing your observation and creative skills to inform you about how you are energetically responding to current situations
Why being in denial or not seeking alternative solutions that are personally rewarding is costing you and leaving you struggling to maintain optimal health, joy and wellbeing
How to invite meaningful changes with ease and grace as you continue to evolve

Don’t miss this opportunity to bring more joy and flow into your life and relationships with others!!

Don’t miss this opportunity to bring more joy and
flow into your life and relationships with others!!

Click on the button below
and we can finally get started!

“What Others Say...”

Shreya M

I've been seeking therapy intermittently for five years now. But it's with Rohini that I have had major breakthroughs in my journey of self-awareness. Her questions, probing and methods have helped me arrive at some important realisations and have grounded me in more ways than one.

Lakshmi S

Rohini has been very supportive and understanding while providing robust emotional and healing guidance. My sessions with her have helped me in recovering a lot of confidence, joy and strength that I didn't know I possessed, and they continue to do so. With great fluidity and grace, Rohini embodies the spirit of any great coach or teacher, she is steadfast in ensuring that you achieve your goals while also being encouraging. All of this has often been accompanied by a sprinkling of childlike playfulness.

S Narayanan

I realised in a more concrete way the traps I had fallen into in my mind - the guilt, the shame, the sorrow etc and also the unknown strengths I had within myself – my connections very early on in life to power animals, and how I can use them effectively to strengthen myself. At the start of the course I was feeling a bit unsure of working with a group that I was not very familiar with, but it was an amazing experience of sharing, collaborating, discussing during the sessions with openness and no inhibitions. The gentle way in which Rohini approached every session helped me feel extremely comfortable in opening up, unravelling the cobwebs in my mind, and I was able to be an active participant in the group.

P. Naik

Initially, during inner child activity session I was unable to process and express the feeling. A lot of resistance surfaced in the session, Rohini helped to reflect on it and scaffold it with her kind support. When I actually was able to relate those experiences, I reclaimed the space which was wounded. That day I accepted myself as it is. I wish I could have spent more time on it. I feel I still need to discover it. I would say Inner Child has initiated to become a Child again & accept the things as they come along without any judgements.

V Rath

Last year has been one of the toughest I have had - the detection of an auto immune disorder, a surgery, COVID a second time, work-stress, and a final acceptance of a love I could never have. It’s not that I did not try seeking help. Not many understood. Or connected the dots for me the way Rohini did. Her holistic, spiritual, and rather deeply (he)art-based work connected to mine. The love and acceptance, and at times, when aptly necessary, the strictness to nudge me to be kinder and more loving to myself, yet not let myself go loose was so essential. And she understood. I’m not sure many therapist-healers can do that. Rohini can. And I love her with an earnest purity for one who could ‘see me’, when everyone was just ‘trying’. She’s been an integral part of my healing journey, and wish many more in-search-of-deep- healing should find her!

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Copyright © 2024 Artwise Space. All Rights Reserved |
Designed & Maintained by RDS Digital